Primary Middle Leadership: Lead, Raise and Monitor the Quality of Teaching across your Subject Area

Tuesday 25 Nov 2014
Practical and strategic guidance and skills to improve the Quality of Teaching in your subject area

Why is this conference relevant?

The role middle leaders play in primary schools is more important than ever before. With increasing scrutiny from Ofsted, and additional roles and responsibilities, middle leaders are under vast amounts of pressure. 

Now more than ever, effective leadership training is crucial.


Download the brochure


Learning outcomes - what can I expect?

Strategic keynotes and best practice workshops throughout the day will provide a unique opportunity for middle and subject leaders to gain the strategic leadership skills, and practical monitoring techniques to raise the quality of teaching in their subject area. Sessions include:

  • Ofsted Update: What inspectors expect of middle and subject Leaders in your school, and how they will triangulate evidence to make judgements on Quality of Teaching.
  • Developing leadership skills: Top tips for building the skills to become an effective leader, manager and influencer
  • Adapting to the new National Curriculum: Practical strategies for evaluating the subject curriculum to identify areas of CPD need and gaps in subject knowledge
  • Raising the Quality of Teaching: Collaborative coaching and peer-to-peer support to raise the quality of teaching and engagement


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“An excellent day with plenty to take back to school and implement”
Subject Leader, St Matthew’s Primary School

“I learned a lot – lots of good ideas to go back to school with”
English Subject Leader , The Forest School

“A very informative conference that had me wanting to go back and try out some of the new ideas while they are still fresh!”
Primary ICT Subject Leader, Kennel Lane Primary School

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